Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nihil Obstat » Blog Archive » The Virgin Mary Tree Stump

Pareidolia, for those not familiar with the term, is a phenomenon where humans see patterns in various things, you know, like seeing Elvis in a flame or the virgin Mary on a stain under a freeway overpass in Chicago or in a window ...

The Great and Learned PZed Myers has found an incredible example a pareidolia. It's bird poop. And the truck owner claims it looks like the virgin Mary. To me, it looks like female genitalia. Or bird poop. What does that say about me? ...

Australia has seen a lot of change especially in the credit card industry in the past few years. Long before the overseas companies began investing in this young industry, the major banks of Australia had the monopoly in credit card ...

Examining public statements and letters of Church officials and concerned Catholics in light of Christ's ministry of inclusion and justice.

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